Solo Female Travel: How to Get Over Your Fears

a woman standing at the end of a dock overlooking an alpine lake
Posted: 2/7/2019 | Febuary 7th, 2019

Kristin Addis from Be My Travel Muse writes our regular column on solo female travel. It’s an important topic I can’t adequately cover, so I brought in an expert to share her advice for other women travelers to help cover the topics important and specific to them! In this month’s article, she shows us how other solo female travelers get over their fears!

Over the years, a lot of women have admitted to me that they made travel plans — only to cancel the trip before they went.

Fear and anxiety got in the way.

There’s a little something about solo traveling that almost nobody talks about.

It’s more common than you think – especially for first time female travelers.

After all, there’s a lot we have to worry about when we go out.

For a lot of us, these worries can be crippling.

When the usual worries about loneliness, safety, and boredom creep in, I remind myself that getting to have this experience abroad will be worth it. I visualize success by picturing myself on the beach, laughing with new friends, and having a fantastic trip. Those good vibes are often enough to make it all come true.

Then I wondered, how do other women kick fear to the curb and live out their solo travel dreams?

So I posed the question to the women in my Facebook group. This is what they said:

“Realize that time with yourself is a luxury” – Alex, 29, Florida

Alex at a beach posing
I started traveling solo when I was about 20 years old. I booked my first solo trip because I became tired of waiting around for friends to join me. At the time, I was going to grad school in Barcelona, and I wanted to take the opportunity to travel as much as possible while I lived in Europe. I realized that if I didn’t go by myself, I wouldn’t get to go at all, and I’d miss a huge opportunity to see this part of the world simply out of fear. I weighed all the possible bad things that could happen and decided to face my fear and book my tickets.

I set off on a three-week trip to Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. It ended up being such an incredible trip, and I met so many people that ever since, I’ve become a solo traveler almost exclusively.

I’ve learned how to really enjoy time with myself and not be afraid of being alone. I have the freedom to meet new people and hang with them, but also the freedom to take time to myself when I need it. Through solo travel, I’ve become more confident and more aware of all the great qualities that I have. I’ve learned that I’m not as afraid as I thought and that I can be incredibly resourceful.

The more you research, the better prepared you’ll feel (Yana, 32, Boston, Massachusetts, of Beard and Curly)

Yana in front of a thermal pool
I always wanted to travel but found it really hard to get others to commit to go with me. After a friend bailed on me last-minute, I realized that I shouldn’t depend on anyone to go experience the world. At first, it was scary to be on my own. My most debilitating fear was being lonely. Was I always going to be alone? Would it be weird to eat at a restaurant on my own? Also, would I be able to depend on myself for everything, from getting to my hostel safely to navigating a city?

To conquer my fears, I did a lot of research to familiarize myself with the places I was visiting. I also asked other travelers on forums and social media platforms about their experience. Their words encouraged me. Taking the time to research and plan made me feel more comfortable about traveling alone. I have now visited over 120 countries, mostly on my own.

If I can survive at home, why should it be different elsewhere? (Sarah, 52, from the UK, living in Italy)

Sarah sitting near some ancient ruins
I started solo traveling only after I was widowed. I realized that it was a case of go alone or stay at home, and never going anywhere was a lot scarier than going by myself!

I built my confidence by starting slowly, adding on days in new places to trips to see family and friends. The first time, it was a stopover in Sydney on my way home from Christchurch. The next time, I did a few days in Auckland before catching up with family in Australia. My next trip will be two weeks completely solo in Thailand next month.

I research my destinations thoroughly so that I know what to expect and what I want to see and do. I book hotels and transport in advance, and sometimes tours too, which are a good way of meeting other people on the road. I use the street-view function on Google Maps to check the location of hotels or hostels and have a virtual “walk” around the area. This allows me to avoid booking anywhere too isolated, at the end of dark alleys, or just in neighborhoods I wouldn’t feel safe in alone. My sense of direction is terrible, so getting an idea of where everything is in advance makes me feel a lot more confident. I also always try to make sure that my flights arrive during daytime and find out how to get from the airport to my accommodation in advance, so that I know exactly where I’m going upon arrival, when I’m likely to be tired.

I realized that people are mostly good (Isabella, 25, from Chicago, Illinois)

Isabella in front of a calm lake
I think I got over that initial fear of traveling alone by realizing how exciting that level of independence was — I had some money and some time, and I could do absolutely anything that I wanted with it. Plus, my fears are always assuaged by the fact that everywhere I’ve been, there have been kind people there who are willing to help and teach me.

In Japan, a local offered help when I was lost, and instead of just directing me to my train stop/transfer, he came with me and walked me the whole way. In Myanmar, a group of locals rushed over to help me when I fell off my scooter; they didn’t speak a word of English but their action made me realize that kindness itself is a universal language. This helped me overcome my fears and become braver.

Do one small thing everyday (Michelle, 45, from Alaska, of Pursuing Seven)

Michelle at Uluru, Australia
I’m currently a couple months into a three-continent mission to complete my goal of visiting all seven continents. At the time of writing this, I am sitting in Christchurch, New Zealand, waiting for weather to clear in Antarctica so my flight can get there, where I will be working for four months. I wasn’t always this fearless and adventurous, but I am definitely proud of who I have become.

Setting realistic expectations — which probably means lowering them — helped me overcome my fear of solo traveling. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but being realistic truly ends up being a gift to myself (and my mental sanity). Not every day is going to be epic, and as a solo traveler you’ll be the making all the decisions and solving all the travel problems you encounter, which takes a lot of energy some days. Especially at the beginning, while you’re finding your solo-travel groove, cut yourself some slack; do one small thing every day that makes you happy, and when you have an epic day, soak it all in!

Utilize tours and apps to gain confidence (Peggy, 45, from San Francisco, California)

Peggy ona guided tour
My first solo trip was the typical post-college European trip, and my friend had to leave early. It was only one week of solo travel, but I learned and gained self-confidence that I could do this and survive. 🙂 Decades later, I decided to follow my passion of seeing the world. I’ve been traveling for over two years, the majority of it solo.

I typically start a new city with a free or nominally priced walking tour. They provide a great overview of the place and its history and culture, plus local tips. I have met people on these walking tours that range from going to sightseeing together the rest of the day to friends that I still stay in touch with to this day.

I also check the Couchsurfing and Meetup apps for local events. Through these, I have great memories of going to the Notte Bianca festival in Malta, hiking to small towns outside of Frankfurt, and attending a weekly coffee meetup in Brno and social events in Budapest, Istanbul, and Bishkek. When traveling solo, I’m not in a bubble with my friends. I become more aware of my surroundings and find myself more open to local interaction, which has led to countless examples of people being incredibly kind and helpful.

Start from your own city (Kathleen, 33, from Boston, of Lonesome Roads)

Kathleen with a statue on a rock
Once I realized I wanted to try traveling solo, I decided I needed to practice first. I started in my home city of Boston: going to a museum on my own, then a movie solo. After that, lunch alone at a nice place, and then dinner out by myself (I think eating alone can be the biggest thing to get used to!). Finally, I spent two days all by myself in Portland, where I had lived for a year, so it was familiar enough to be comfortable, but I was fully on my own. And I had a wonderful time! I chatted with people in bars, I had a romantic dinner alone while doing some top-notch people-watching, and walked everywhere.

I then fully set off: solo trips to Miami and LA, then a stopover in Iceland for two days by myself when coming back from a trip with a friend, and then six days alone in Copenhagen. I loved it so much that right now, I’m two months into a yearlong solo trip in Europe and Southeast Asia!

I’ve learned that politeness and a few words of the local language will get you everywhere. That people are overwhelmingly kind and generous. And that traveling solo gives my curiosity free rein in a way that’s incredibly freeing, whether it’s exploring operas in Paris or befriending an Icelandic girl in line for a bar bathroom. If I’m brave enough, you’re brave enough too. You just might need a little practice.

Take the risk (Caitlyn, 27 from Brisbane, Australia, of Girl Seeking Purpose)

Caitlyn hiking in the mountains
Before departing on my six-month solo adventure through South America, I was plagued with doubt and fear about all of the possible outcomes of traveling alone. I was concerned about whether it was safe as a solo female to travel in developing countries and if I would be able to reach all of my intended destinations without confirmed travel partners ahead of time. Most of all, I was concerned that I might not meet anyone on the road to travel and share my experiences with. I was absolutely terrified by the idea of being alone.

After reading countless blog posts and forums, I began to realize that all of the fears I had about solo travel were the same fears we all have before we take that leap into anything new and unknown. It then became clear that if I lived my entire life afraid of all of the possible things that could go wrong in any given situation, then I would never leave my comfort zone, let alone my house or my country. That just didn’t sound like the life I wanted for myself.

Realizing this, I made the decision to face all of these fears head on by acknowledging their existence. I decided that I was going to push on to make my dreams a reality with or without them in the back of my mind. Identifying that it was normal to have these concerns and to realize it was possible to overcome them gave me the strength and confidence I needed to get on the plane.

During the final days before my flight, I reassured myself that once I arrived it would all just fall into place and work itself out. And that is exactly what happened. It was one of the most incredible, life-changing, and defining moments of my life, and I am so glad I didn’t let the fears stop me from taking that leap.

Start small and familiar (Shae, 41, from Melbourne, Australia, of The Bright Eyed Explorer)

Shae in a mountain landscape
I’d always traveled with other people, but at age 36, I just couldn’t rely on the comfort and security that traveling with friends brings if I wanted to fulfill my dreams of traveling the world. I am a relatively shy and somewhat introverted person, especially around strangers, so the thought of being in an unfamiliar country and having to talk to people I didn’t know and perhaps not understand made my stomach churn!

For me, starting my solo travels small scale and in a place that I was very familiar with helped ease those fears I had of traveling alone. I’d been to Bali five times prior to my first solo trip, so I was confident and comfortable with my surroundings, the people, and the lifestyle. This comfort then enabled me to push myself a little further — talking to strangers, asking for help when I needed it — but also learn to appreciate the time I had to myself in restaurants and bars.

I have since traveled solo extensively through Europe and Australia (which is home), but there are still times that I still get a little nervous and anxious about my upcoming trip. Generally, if this happens, I give myself a bit of a pep talk and remind myself that I am strong and brave. This will generally give me a little confidence boost, which gets then builds up my excitement levels and then I am so ready to travel.


I hope these stories help to show that there is no special gene, life experience, background, or age that makes someone a good solo traveler. It doesn’t even require bravery to travel alone — lots of us built that up along the way instead.

So please don’t let all of the things that could go wrong hold you back from your dreams. Most of what we worry about — not just related to travel but to life in general — never comes to pass anyway. Focus on the adventures, the good times, the sunsets with new friends, and the learning experiences. The biggest step is just to make the decision and stick with it. After that, the rest falls into place.

Conquering Mountains: The Guide to Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addisFor a complete A-to-Z guide on solo female travel, check out Kristin’s new book, Conquering Mountains. Besides discussing many of the practical tips of preparing and planning your trip, the book addresses the fears, safety, and emotional concerns women have about traveling alone. It features over 20 interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book and start reading it today!

Kristin Addis is a solo female travel expert who inspires women to travel the world in an authentic and adventurous way. A former investment banker who sold all of her belongings and left California in 2012, Kristin has solo traveled the world for over four years, covering every continent (except for Antarctica, but it’s on her list). There’s almost nothing she won’t try and almost nowhere she won’t explore. You can find more of her musings at Be My Travel Muse or on Instagram and Facebook.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewher eother than a hotel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

The post Solo Female Travel: How to Get Over Your Fears appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Solo Female Travel: How to Get Over Your Fears

a woman standing at the end of a dock overlooking an alpine lake
Posted: 2/7/2019 | Febuary 7th, 2019

Kristin Addis from Be My Travel Muse writes our regular column on solo female travel. It’s an important topic I can’t adequately cover, so I brought in an expert to share her advice for other women travelers to help cover the topics important and specific to them! In this month’s article, she shows us how other solo female travelers get over their fears!

Over the years, a lot of women have admitted to me that they made travel plans — only to cancel the trip before they went.

Fear and anxiety got in the way.

There’s a little something about solo traveling that almost nobody talks about.

It’s more common than you think – especially for first time female travelers.

After all, there’s a lot we have to worry about when we go out.

For a lot of us, these worries can be crippling.

When the usual worries about loneliness, safety, and boredom creep in, I remind myself that getting to have this experience abroad will be worth it. I visualize success by picturing myself on the beach, laughing with new friends, and having a fantastic trip. Those good vibes are often enough to make it all come true.

Then I wondered, how do other women kick fear to the curb and live out their solo travel dreams?

So I posed the question to the women in my Facebook group. This is what they said:

“Realize that time with yourself is a luxury” – Alex, 29, Florida

Alex at a beach posing
I started traveling solo when I was about 20 years old. I booked my first solo trip because I became tired of waiting around for friends to join me. At the time, I was going to grad school in Barcelona, and I wanted to take the opportunity to travel as much as possible while I lived in Europe. I realized that if I didn’t go by myself, I wouldn’t get to go at all, and I’d miss a huge opportunity to see this part of the world simply out of fear. I weighed all the possible bad things that could happen and decided to face my fear and book my tickets.

I set off on a three-week trip to Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. It ended up being such an incredible trip, and I met so many people that ever since, I’ve become a solo traveler almost exclusively.

I’ve learned how to really enjoy time with myself and not be afraid of being alone. I have the freedom to meet new people and hang with them, but also the freedom to take time to myself when I need it. Through solo travel, I’ve become more confident and more aware of all the great qualities that I have. I’ve learned that I’m not as afraid as I thought and that I can be incredibly resourceful.

The more you research, the better prepared you’ll feel (Yana, 32, Boston, Massachusetts, of Beard and Curly)

Yana in front of a thermal pool
I always wanted to travel but found it really hard to get others to commit to go with me. After a friend bailed on me last-minute, I realized that I shouldn’t depend on anyone to go experience the world. At first, it was scary to be on my own. My most debilitating fear was being lonely. Was I always going to be alone? Would it be weird to eat at a restaurant on my own? Also, would I be able to depend on myself for everything, from getting to my hostel safely to navigating a city?

To conquer my fears, I did a lot of research to familiarize myself with the places I was visiting. I also asked other travelers on forums and social media platforms about their experience. Their words encouraged me. Taking the time to research and plan made me feel more comfortable about traveling alone. I have now visited over 120 countries, mostly on my own.

If I can survive at home, why should it be different elsewhere? (Sarah, 52, from the UK, living in Italy)

Sarah sitting near some ancient ruins
I started solo traveling only after I was widowed. I realized that it was a case of go alone or stay at home, and never going anywhere was a lot scarier than going by myself!

I built my confidence by starting slowly, adding on days in new places to trips to see family and friends. The first time, it was a stopover in Sydney on my way home from Christchurch. The next time, I did a few days in Auckland before catching up with family in Australia. My next trip will be two weeks completely solo in Thailand next month.

I research my destinations thoroughly so that I know what to expect and what I want to see and do. I book hotels and transport in advance, and sometimes tours too, which are a good way of meeting other people on the road. I use the street-view function on Google Maps to check the location of hotels or hostels and have a virtual “walk” around the area. This allows me to avoid booking anywhere too isolated, at the end of dark alleys, or just in neighborhoods I wouldn’t feel safe in alone. My sense of direction is terrible, so getting an idea of where everything is in advance makes me feel a lot more confident. I also always try to make sure that my flights arrive during daytime and find out how to get from the airport to my accommodation in advance, so that I know exactly where I’m going upon arrival, when I’m likely to be tired.

I realized that people are mostly good (Isabella, 25, from Chicago, Illinois)

Isabella in front of a calm lake
I think I got over that initial fear of traveling alone by realizing how exciting that level of independence was — I had some money and some time, and I could do absolutely anything that I wanted with it. Plus, my fears are always assuaged by the fact that everywhere I’ve been, there have been kind people there who are willing to help and teach me.

In Japan, a local offered help when I was lost, and instead of just directing me to my train stop/transfer, he came with me and walked me the whole way. In Myanmar, a group of locals rushed over to help me when I fell off my scooter; they didn’t speak a word of English but their action made me realize that kindness itself is a universal language. This helped me overcome my fears and become braver.

Do one small thing everyday (Michelle, 45, from Alaska, of Pursuing Seven)

Michelle at Uluru, Australia
I’m currently a couple months into a three-continent mission to complete my goal of visiting all seven continents. At the time of writing this, I am sitting in Christchurch, New Zealand, waiting for weather to clear in Antarctica so my flight can get there, where I will be working for four months. I wasn’t always this fearless and adventurous, but I am definitely proud of who I have become.

Setting realistic expectations — which probably means lowering them — helped me overcome my fear of solo traveling. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but being realistic truly ends up being a gift to myself (and my mental sanity). Not every day is going to be epic, and as a solo traveler you’ll be the making all the decisions and solving all the travel problems you encounter, which takes a lot of energy some days. Especially at the beginning, while you’re finding your solo-travel groove, cut yourself some slack; do one small thing every day that makes you happy, and when you have an epic day, soak it all in!

Utilize tours and apps to gain confidence (Peggy, 45, from San Francisco, California)

Peggy ona guided tour
My first solo trip was the typical post-college European trip, and my friend had to leave early. It was only one week of solo travel, but I learned and gained self-confidence that I could do this and survive. 🙂 Decades later, I decided to follow my passion of seeing the world. I’ve been traveling for over two years, the majority of it solo.

I typically start a new city with a free or nominally priced walking tour. They provide a great overview of the place and its history and culture, plus local tips. I have met people on these walking tours that range from going to sightseeing together the rest of the day to friends that I still stay in touch with to this day.

I also check the Couchsurfing and Meetup apps for local events. Through these, I have great memories of going to the Notte Bianca festival in Malta, hiking to small towns outside of Frankfurt, and attending a weekly coffee meetup in Brno and social events in Budapest, Istanbul, and Bishkek. When traveling solo, I’m not in a bubble with my friends. I become more aware of my surroundings and find myself more open to local interaction, which has led to countless examples of people being incredibly kind and helpful.

Start from your own city (Kathleen, 33, from Boston, of Lonesome Roads)

Kathleen with a statue on a rock
Once I realized I wanted to try traveling solo, I decided I needed to practice first. I started in my home city of Boston: going to a museum on my own, then a movie solo. After that, lunch alone at a nice place, and then dinner out by myself (I think eating alone can be the biggest thing to get used to!). Finally, I spent two days all by myself in Portland, where I had lived for a year, so it was familiar enough to be comfortable, but I was fully on my own. And I had a wonderful time! I chatted with people in bars, I had a romantic dinner alone while doing some top-notch people-watching, and walked everywhere.

I then fully set off: solo trips to Miami and LA, then a stopover in Iceland for two days by myself when coming back from a trip with a friend, and then six days alone in Copenhagen. I loved it so much that right now, I’m two months into a yearlong solo trip in Europe and Southeast Asia!

I’ve learned that politeness and a few words of the local language will get you everywhere. That people are overwhelmingly kind and generous. And that traveling solo gives my curiosity free rein in a way that’s incredibly freeing, whether it’s exploring operas in Paris or befriending an Icelandic girl in line for a bar bathroom. If I’m brave enough, you’re brave enough too. You just might need a little practice.

Take the risk (Caitlyn, 27 from Brisbane, Australia, of Girl Seeking Purpose)

Caitlyn hiking in the mountains
Before departing on my six-month solo adventure through South America, I was plagued with doubt and fear about all of the possible outcomes of traveling alone. I was concerned about whether it was safe as a solo female to travel in developing countries and if I would be able to reach all of my intended destinations without confirmed travel partners ahead of time. Most of all, I was concerned that I might not meet anyone on the road to travel and share my experiences with. I was absolutely terrified by the idea of being alone.

After reading countless blog posts and forums, I began to realize that all of the fears I had about solo travel were the same fears we all have before we take that leap into anything new and unknown. It then became clear that if I lived my entire life afraid of all of the possible things that could go wrong in any given situation, then I would never leave my comfort zone, let alone my house or my country. That just didn’t sound like the life I wanted for myself.

Realizing this, I made the decision to face all of these fears head on by acknowledging their existence. I decided that I was going to push on to make my dreams a reality with or without them in the back of my mind. Identifying that it was normal to have these concerns and to realize it was possible to overcome them gave me the strength and confidence I needed to get on the plane.

During the final days before my flight, I reassured myself that once I arrived it would all just fall into place and work itself out. And that is exactly what happened. It was one of the most incredible, life-changing, and defining moments of my life, and I am so glad I didn’t let the fears stop me from taking that leap.

Start small and familiar (Shae, 41, from Melbourne, Australia, of The Bright Eyed Explorer)

Shae in a mountain landscape
I’d always traveled with other people, but at age 36, I just couldn’t rely on the comfort and security that traveling with friends brings if I wanted to fulfill my dreams of traveling the world. I am a relatively shy and somewhat introverted person, especially around strangers, so the thought of being in an unfamiliar country and having to talk to people I didn’t know and perhaps not understand made my stomach churn!

For me, starting my solo travels small scale and in a place that I was very familiar with helped ease those fears I had of traveling alone. I’d been to Bali five times prior to my first solo trip, so I was confident and comfortable with my surroundings, the people, and the lifestyle. This comfort then enabled me to push myself a little further — talking to strangers, asking for help when I needed it — but also learn to appreciate the time I had to myself in restaurants and bars.

I have since traveled solo extensively through Europe and Australia (which is home), but there are still times that I still get a little nervous and anxious about my upcoming trip. Generally, if this happens, I give myself a bit of a pep talk and remind myself that I am strong and brave. This will generally give me a little confidence boost, which gets then builds up my excitement levels and then I am so ready to travel.


I hope these stories help to show that there is no special gene, life experience, background, or age that makes someone a good solo traveler. It doesn’t even require bravery to travel alone — lots of us built that up along the way instead.

So please don’t let all of the things that could go wrong hold you back from your dreams. Most of what we worry about — not just related to travel but to life in general — never comes to pass anyway. Focus on the adventures, the good times, the sunsets with new friends, and the learning experiences. The biggest step is just to make the decision and stick with it. After that, the rest falls into place.

Conquering Mountains: The Guide to Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addisFor a complete A-to-Z guide on solo female travel, check out Kristin’s new book, Conquering Mountains. Besides discussing many of the practical tips of preparing and planning your trip, the book addresses the fears, safety, and emotional concerns women have about traveling alone. It features over 20 interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book and start reading it today!

Kristin Addis is a solo female travel expert who inspires women to travel the world in an authentic and adventurous way. A former investment banker who sold all of her belongings and left California in 2012, Kristin has solo traveled the world for over four years, covering every continent (except for Antarctica, but it’s on her list). There’s almost nothing she won’t try and almost nowhere she won’t explore. You can find more of her musings at Be My Travel Muse or on Instagram and Facebook.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewher eother than a hotel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

The post Solo Female Travel: How to Get Over Your Fears appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019

A view overlooking Boston, USA
Posted: 2/4/2019 | Febuary 4th, 2019

Boston is the city of my birth.

So, of course, I’m a diehard fan of the city. It holds a special place in my heart.

Boston is a historic city with roots that stretch back to the founding of the country. To me, Boston is more a collection of small towns than a big metropolis city like LA or NYC or Miami. We’re really just a bunch of townies. (All those Boston based movies that show hardcore neighborhood allegiance? They are spot on!)

As a city with a lot of students, recent graduates, and young people, Boston is a relatively cheap place to visit as it has a lot of free things to see and do.

From music events to museums to walking tours to beer tours to parks and beaches, there are many ways to save during your visit.

Here’s a list of 27 free things to do and see in Boston!

Free Things to See and Do in Boston

The city of Boston at sunset
1. Walk the Freedom Trail
Established in 1951, The Freedom Trail covers 16 historical sites and stretches 2.5 miles. This red-bricked trail will teach you almost all you need to know about Boston’s history. You can download an audio podcast to accompany your walk or you can go on an organized tour led by one of Boston’s many historic characters. Expect to spend a few couple hours walking the trail and much, much longer if you enter every site along the trail.

It’s the best way to get a feel for the city and its history and hit a bunch of historical sites on the way. If you do one thing in Boston, do this.

2. Eat in Faneuil Hall
Everyone should eat in Quincy Market at least once. Grab your meal from one of the many restaurants in the colonnade, head outside to watch the people go by, and enjoy a street performer’s show. The hall has been a meeting place in the city since the 1740s, and many speeches were given here about American independence before the Revolutionary War. After you’re done eating, walk around and spend an afternoon here people-watching

4 S Market St, +1 617-523-1300, Open Monday-Saturday from 10am-9pm and Sunday from 12pm-7pm.

3. Lay Out in the Common
This is essentially Boston’s version of Central Park, with the Common dating back to 1634, making it the country’s oldest park. (Fun fact: There used to be a lot more fences surrounding the park, but in WWII the iron fences were taken and scrapped for the war effort.) Lie out, read a book, play some sports, or just relax. Wander around to the nearby Public Gardens, or sit by Frog Pond. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy your day without spending a dime. In the summer, you can even take in a free Shakespearean play.

4. Catch a Concert at the Hatch Shell
BRelax by the Charles River as artists play shows at the Hatch Shell. Built in 1928, It’s here you can see the famous Boston Pops play on July 4th as well as a plethora of free summertime concerts. Sometimes the Hatch Shell even plays movies at night.

47 David G Mugar Way, +1 617-626-1250, See the website for an up-to-date list of events.

5. Head to Castle Island
Castle Island is located in South Boston and is famous for the fort located on it, Fort Independence (The fort was actually used as the first state prison. Ironic, huh?). The 22-acre island (which is technically a peninsula) extends into the harbor and has excellent beaches as well as running trails that are popular with the locals. There’s a picnic area here, and you can explore the old fort for free. The place gets pretty busy on the weekends during the summer and you can often see school groups exploring the fort during the spring.

6. Take a Tour of Harvard
Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest university in America. Head to its home in Cambridge (Harvard Square Red Line train stop) and join a free tour to learn more about it. Learn about the university’s history, architecture, programs, and myths. When you’re finished, wander around the eclectic offerings of Harvard Square. There are a lot of good street musicians here. (Fun fact: Tracy Chapman got her start playing on the streets here.)

Harvard University, +1 617-495-1000,

8. Free Beer Tours
Sam Adams, a major Boston brewery named after the famous statesman and Founding Father Samuel Adams, offers free tours. They occur midafternoon and depart every 45 minutes. You get a few free samples along the way, too. If you’re not over 21, don’t worry. You can still go and learn about how they make their beer and the history of the brewery. You just can’t sample it at the end.

30 Germania St, +1 617-368-5080, Tours are available Monday-Thursday and on Saturdays from 10am-3pm. On Friday, tours are available between 10am-5:30pm.

9. Explore the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain
Over 260 acres of free public space is open here from sunrise to sunset. There are running trails, gardens, open lawns, and tons of flowers from all over the world. Relax among the plants and take a step back from the fast pace of the city. This place is much quieter than the Public Gardens and offers a bit more variety in plant life. They also have a huge Bonsai tree collection.

125 Arborway, +1 617-524-1718, Open daily from 7am-7pm.

10. Tour the Massachusetts State House
If history is your cup of tea, take a tour of the State House. You’ll learn about the building’s history, architecture, and how the state works. Built in 1798, this National Historic Landmark is well worth taking the time to see. Guided tours organized by volunteers and are available weekdays between 10am-3:30pm and last around 30-45 minutes (though you can also take a self-guided tour but its less fun).

24 Beacon St, +1 617-727-3676, Open weekdays from 8am-6pm, but tours are only available from 10am-3:30pm. Admission is free.

11. Climb the Bunker Hill Monument
The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 was one of the first major battles during the American Revolutionary War. While the British eventually took the field, the American’s wore the British forces down much more than was expected. After the battle, the British were much more cautious in their advance, which gave the American forces much more time to prepare for the coming war. The monument stands 221-feet, and you can climb to the top free of charge. There is also a nearby museum which is also free.

Monument Square, +1617-242-5601, Open daily from 9:30am-5pm. Admission is free.

12. Visit the USS Constitution
Commissioned in 1797 and named by George Washington, “Old Ironsides” is a heavy frigate that was used in the War of 1812 and later in the Civil War. It’s the oldest ship in the world that is still afloat, and its popularity has stopped it from being scrapped on multiple occasions. The ship is permanently docked in the harbor and free tours are offered every 30 minutes. It’s a wonderful way to get a sense of what life at sea was life over 200 years ago!

Charlestown Navy Yard, +1 617-426-1812, The ship is open daily from 10am-4pm (with extended hours in the summer) and the museum is open 10am-5pm (with extended hours in the summer as well). Admission is free, though the museum has a suggested donation of $10-15.

13. Take a Tour of MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most famous universities in the world, known for its expertise in engineering and research. The campus, located in Cambridge, is a mass of buildings that are worth exploring to get a sense of what campus life is like and to see some very interesting art and architecture. You can pick up a free map from the information office and take a self-guided tour to explore this historic campus.

77 Massachusetts Ave, +1 617-253-1000,

14. Explore the Black Heritage Trail
There are 14 sites located around Beacon Hill that make up this walking tour, covering important parts of African-American history. Massachusetts was the first state to declare slavery illegal (in 1783) and you can learn a lot about the history of slavery and the African-American experience by taking this tour. Free maps are available at the Abiel Smith School if you want to do a self-guided tour, though there are several companies that also arrange guided tours (with the map it’s very simple to do yourself though).

15. Go Stargazing
The Coit Observatory at Boston University offers free stargazing with telescopes and binoculars every Wednesday evening (weather permitting). It takes place outside (obviously) so just make sure to dress for the weather. There is limited space so you need to reserve your spot in advance.

725 Commonwealth Avenue, +1 617-353-2630, Viewings are Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the autumn and winter and 8:30pm in the spring and summer.

16. Visit a Free Museum or Art Gallery
Boston has a lot of world-class galleries and museums, with many offering free entry. Here are a few museums and galleries that offer free entry on certain days:

  • Institute of Contemporary Art – This contemporary art gallery is free on Thursdays from 5pm-9pm.
  • Commonwealth Museum – This museum explores the history of Massachusetts and is free every day.
  • Harvard Museum of Natural History – This natural history museum has exhibitions showcasing dinosaurs, animals, and minerals (including meteorites). It’s free to residents of Massachusetts as well as Bank of America customers.
  • Harvard University Art Museums – Home to both modern and historical art exhibitions, these museums are free on Saturday from 10am-12pm.
  • Museum of Fine Arts – Home to over 450,000 pieces of fine art, this museum is free on Wednesdays after 4pm, as well as on certain holidays (Memorial Day, MLK Jr. Day).
  • Warren Anatomical Museum – A macabre museum with Civil War-era medical tools as well as some “medical mysteries” that is free every day.

17. Take a Free Walking Tour
While the city’s plethora of food tours, wine tours, and historical tours will cost money, both Free Tours by Foot and Strawberry Tours offer free walking tours around the city. They’re a great way to get oriented and see the major sights without breaking the bank. Just be sure to tip your guides!

18. The Lawn on D
This huge greenspace is relatively new to the city (when I was growing up, there was nothing in this area and you would never go there) and there are all sorts of free activities happening year round (check their website for the latest). There’s public seating, free Wi-Fi, art exhibitions, and a few games like table tennis and bocce.

+1 877-393-3393, Open daily from 7am-10pm (hours may vary for events). Admission is free.

19. Go Hiking in the Blue Hills
This park is a bit out of the way, but it’s definitely worth a visit (especially if you have access to a vehicle). The 7,000-acre park is home to over 100 miles of trails and offers some panoramic viewpoints if you feel like stretching your legs and going for a hike. There are also plenty of activities to keep you entertained, such as boating, fishing, skiing, and rock climbing (depending on the season). If you go on the weekends in the summer, get there early to beat the crowds.

20. See the Skinny House
Located at 44 Hull Street in the North End, this narrow house was built just after the Civil War when Joseph Euestus came home to find his brother had taken over more than half of the land they were meant to share. Seeing that his brother had built a huge mansion on the property, Joseph built a 4-story home to block his view. The odd building definitely stands out and it’s worth seeing with your own eyes. Even though the house is only 10-feet wide, it still sold for almost $1,000,000 USD in 2017!

21. Browse for Books at Brattle Book Shop
Located a stone throw away from the Boston Common, this family-run used bookstore is home to over 250,000 items. Books, postcards, maps — and lots of other odds and ends call this place home. It’s one of the oldest bookstores in the country, having originally opened in 1825! In addition to your standard used books, the store is also home to all sorts of first editions and antique books. If you’re a book lover like me, you can’t miss this place.

9 West Street, +1 617-542-0210, Open Monday-Saturday from 9am-5:30pm.

22. Visit Forest Hills Cemetery
This serene Victorian cemetery sits on almost 300 acres of land and is the resting place of a few noteworthy individuals, such as the playwright Eugene O’Neill and the poet E.E Cummings. In 2006, as part of an exhibition, sculptures, including miniature buildings, were added to the cemetery.

95 Forest Hills Avenue, +1 617-524-0128, Gates open daily at 7am with closing hours varying by season (check the sign upon entry to see when the cemetery closes).

23. Stroll Along the Charles River
The Charles River Esplanade is a 17-mile stretch of along the banks of Boston’s Charles River. It’s a great place to go for a walk or a run, enjoy the view from a cafe, or even head out onto the water to canoe or kayak. On a sunny day, you’ll find tons of locals here.

If you’re traveling with kids, there’s a fun playground just west of the end of Storrow Drive that has a splash pad as well as playground equipment for both older and younger children.

24. Hit the Beach
If you’re visiting during the warm summer months, hit the beach to cool down. Winthrop and Revere Beach is located just under an hour from downtown (via public transportation) and is open all year round (lifeguards are on duty from June-September). Both are two of the most popular beaches in the area during the summer. Revere Beach is over 3-miles long and the easiest to get too. There are also tons of amazing beachfront places to eat here too. Go eat at the original Kelly’s. It’s a Boston institution.

Revere beach has more stores, restaurants, and is a lot bigger. Winthrop beach is a lot quieter.

25. Go Ice Skating
If you’re visiting Boston in the winter, there are tons of places around the city to go ice skating. There is a free rink at Harvard that is open to the public. You’ll still need to rent skates (which costs $5) but the skating itself is free. It’s a great way to enjoy Boston’s chilly winter months.

26. Tour the Custom House
Built in the 17th century, this is one of the most recognizable buildings in the city. It was built right up against the water on reclaimed land and when the customs office moved a tower was added to the original foundation. Built in 1915, the tower addition made the Custom House the tallest building in the city. It’s owned by Marriott Hotels now, though you can still take a free tour (by appointment) to go up to the observation deck on the 26th floor.

3 McKinley Square, +1 617-310-6300, Tours available from Sunday-Friday between 10am-4pm. Tours are free though they are by appointment only.

27. Walk the Irish Heritage Trail
Americans of Irish descent form the largest single ethnic group in Boston (over 20% of the people in Massachusetts claim they have Irish ancestry). This historic free walking trail will take you around the city focusing on contributions made by the city’s thriving Irish community. There are 16 sites along this 3-mile walk which you can visit consecutively or in tandem with one of the city’s other historic walks.

For a map and details about the trail, visit


Whether you’re here for the history, the food, the sports, or something else, Boston has a lot of things to do for free that will fill your entire visit and help you save a ton of money in Boston.

Book Your Trip to Boston: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite place to stay is:

  • HI Boston – This hostel is in a great location, has its own coffee bar with lots of space to hang out, and also has female-only dorms. It’s really secure and the staff are great too. It’s the best hostel in town!

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Boston?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Boston with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post 27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019

A view overlooking Boston, USA
Posted: 2/4/2019 | Febuary 4th, 2019

Boston is the city of my birth.

So, of course, I’m a diehard fan of the city. It holds a special place in my heart.

Boston is a historic city with roots that stretch back to the founding of the country. To me, Boston is more a collection of small towns than a big metropolis city like LA or NYC or Miami. We’re really just a bunch of townies. (All those Boston based movies that show hardcore neighborhood allegiance? They are spot on!)

As a city with a lot of students, recent graduates, and young people, Boston is a relatively cheap place to visit as it has a lot of free things to see and do.

From music events to museums to walking tours to beer tours to parks and beaches, there are many ways to save during your visit.

Here’s a list of 27 free things to do and see in Boston!

Free Things to See and Do in Boston

The city of Boston at sunset
1. Walk the Freedom Trail
Established in 1951, The Freedom Trail covers 16 historical sites and stretches 2.5 miles. This red-bricked trail will teach you almost all you need to know about Boston’s history. You can download an audio podcast to accompany your walk or you can go on an organized tour led by one of Boston’s many historic characters. Expect to spend a few couple hours walking the trail and much, much longer if you enter every site along the trail.

It’s the best way to get a feel for the city and its history and hit a bunch of historical sites on the way. If you do one thing in Boston, do this.

2. Eat in Faneuil Hall
Everyone should eat in Quincy Market at least once. Grab your meal from one of the many restaurants in the colonnade, head outside to watch the people go by, and enjoy a street performer’s show. The hall has been a meeting place in the city since the 1740s, and many speeches were given here about American independence before the Revolutionary War. After you’re done eating, walk around and spend an afternoon here people-watching

4 S Market St, +1 617-523-1300, Open Monday-Saturday from 10am-9pm and Sunday from 12pm-7pm.

3. Lay Out in the Common
This is essentially Boston’s version of Central Park, with the Common dating back to 1634, making it the country’s oldest park. (Fun fact: There used to be a lot more fences surrounding the park, but in WWII the iron fences were taken and scrapped for the war effort.) Lie out, read a book, play some sports, or just relax. Wander around to the nearby Public Gardens, or sit by Frog Pond. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy your day without spending a dime. In the summer, you can even take in a free Shakespearean play.

4. Catch a Concert at the Hatch Shell
BRelax by the Charles River as artists play shows at the Hatch Shell. Built in 1928, It’s here you can see the famous Boston Pops play on July 4th as well as a plethora of free summertime concerts. Sometimes the Hatch Shell even plays movies at night.

47 David G Mugar Way, +1 617-626-1250, See the website for an up-to-date list of events.

5. Head to Castle Island
Castle Island is located in South Boston and is famous for the fort located on it, Fort Independence (The fort was actually used as the first state prison. Ironic, huh?). The 22-acre island (which is technically a peninsula) extends into the harbor and has excellent beaches as well as running trails that are popular with the locals. There’s a picnic area here, and you can explore the old fort for free. The place gets pretty busy on the weekends during the summer and you can often see school groups exploring the fort during the spring.

6. Take a Tour of Harvard
Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest university in America. Head to its home in Cambridge (Harvard Square Red Line train stop) and join a free tour to learn more about it. Learn about the university’s history, architecture, programs, and myths. When you’re finished, wander around the eclectic offerings of Harvard Square. There are a lot of good street musicians here. (Fun fact: Tracy Chapman got her start playing on the streets here.)

Harvard University, +1 617-495-1000,

8. Free Beer Tours
Sam Adams, a major Boston brewery named after the famous statesman and Founding Father Samuel Adams, offers free tours. They occur midafternoon and depart every 45 minutes. You get a few free samples along the way, too. If you’re not over 21, don’t worry. You can still go and learn about how they make their beer and the history of the brewery. You just can’t sample it at the end.

30 Germania St, +1 617-368-5080, Tours are available Monday-Thursday and on Saturdays from 10am-3pm. On Friday, tours are available between 10am-5:30pm.

9. Explore the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain
Over 260 acres of free public space is open here from sunrise to sunset. There are running trails, gardens, open lawns, and tons of flowers from all over the world. Relax among the plants and take a step back from the fast pace of the city. This place is much quieter than the Public Gardens and offers a bit more variety in plant life. They also have a huge Bonsai tree collection.

125 Arborway, +1 617-524-1718, Open daily from 7am-7pm.

10. Tour the Massachusetts State House
If history is your cup of tea, take a tour of the State House. You’ll learn about the building’s history, architecture, and how the state works. Built in 1798, this National Historic Landmark is well worth taking the time to see. Guided tours organized by volunteers and are available weekdays between 10am-3:30pm and last around 30-45 minutes (though you can also take a self-guided tour but its less fun).

24 Beacon St, +1 617-727-3676, Open weekdays from 8am-6pm, but tours are only available from 10am-3:30pm. Admission is free.

11. Climb the Bunker Hill Monument
The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 was one of the first major battles during the American Revolutionary War. While the British eventually took the field, the American’s wore the British forces down much more than was expected. After the battle, the British were much more cautious in their advance, which gave the American forces much more time to prepare for the coming war. The monument stands 221-feet, and you can climb to the top free of charge. There is also a nearby museum which is also free.

Monument Square, +1617-242-5601, Open daily from 9:30am-5pm. Admission is free.

12. Visit the USS Constitution
Commissioned in 1797 and named by George Washington, “Old Ironsides” is a heavy frigate that was used in the War of 1812 and later in the Civil War. It’s the oldest ship in the world that is still afloat, and its popularity has stopped it from being scrapped on multiple occasions. The ship is permanently docked in the harbor and free tours are offered every 30 minutes. It’s a wonderful way to get a sense of what life at sea was life over 200 years ago!

Charlestown Navy Yard, +1 617-426-1812, The ship is open daily from 10am-4pm (with extended hours in the summer) and the museum is open 10am-5pm (with extended hours in the summer as well). Admission is free, though the museum has a suggested donation of $10-15.

13. Take a Tour of MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most famous universities in the world, known for its expertise in engineering and research. The campus, located in Cambridge, is a mass of buildings that are worth exploring to get a sense of what campus life is like and to see some very interesting art and architecture. You can pick up a free map from the information office and take a self-guided tour to explore this historic campus.

77 Massachusetts Ave, +1 617-253-1000,

14. Explore the Black Heritage Trail
There are 14 sites located around Beacon Hill that make up this walking tour, covering important parts of African-American history. Massachusetts was the first state to declare slavery illegal (in 1783) and you can learn a lot about the history of slavery and the African-American experience by taking this tour. Free maps are available at the Abiel Smith School if you want to do a self-guided tour, though there are several companies that also arrange guided tours (with the map it’s very simple to do yourself though).

15. Go Stargazing
The Coit Observatory at Boston University offers free stargazing with telescopes and binoculars every Wednesday evening (weather permitting). It takes place outside (obviously) so just make sure to dress for the weather. There is limited space so you need to reserve your spot in advance.

725 Commonwealth Avenue, +1 617-353-2630, Viewings are Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the autumn and winter and 8:30pm in the spring and summer.

16. Visit a Free Museum or Art Gallery
Boston has a lot of world-class galleries and museums, with many offering free entry. Here are a few museums and galleries that offer free entry on certain days:

  • Institute of Contemporary Art – This contemporary art gallery is free on Thursdays from 5pm-9pm.
  • Commonwealth Museum – This museum explores the history of Massachusetts and is free every day.
  • Harvard Museum of Natural History – This natural history museum has exhibitions showcasing dinosaurs, animals, and minerals (including meteorites). It’s free to residents of Massachusetts as well as Bank of America customers.
  • Harvard University Art Museums – Home to both modern and historical art exhibitions, these museums are free on Saturday from 10am-12pm.
  • Museum of Fine Arts – Home to over 450,000 pieces of fine art, this museum is free on Wednesdays after 4pm, as well as on certain holidays (Memorial Day, MLK Jr. Day).
  • Warren Anatomical Museum – A macabre museum with Civil War-era medical tools as well as some “medical mysteries” that is free every day.

17. Take a Free Walking Tour
While the city’s plethora of food tours, wine tours, and historical tours will cost money, both Free Tours by Foot and Strawberry Tours offer free walking tours around the city. They’re a great way to get oriented and see the major sights without breaking the bank. Just be sure to tip your guides!

18. The Lawn on D
This huge greenspace is relatively new to the city (when I was growing up, there was nothing in this area and you would never go there) and there are all sorts of free activities happening year round (check their website for the latest). There’s public seating, free Wi-Fi, art exhibitions, and a few games like table tennis and bocce.

+1 877-393-3393, Open daily from 7am-10pm (hours may vary for events). Admission is free.

19. Go Hiking in the Blue Hills
This park is a bit out of the way, but it’s definitely worth a visit (especially if you have access to a vehicle). The 7,000-acre park is home to over 100 miles of trails and offers some panoramic viewpoints if you feel like stretching your legs and going for a hike. There are also plenty of activities to keep you entertained, such as boating, fishing, skiing, and rock climbing (depending on the season). If you go on the weekends in the summer, get there early to beat the crowds.

20. See the Skinny House
Located at 44 Hull Street in the North End, this narrow house was built just after the Civil War when Joseph Euestus came home to find his brother had taken over more than half of the land they were meant to share. Seeing that his brother had built a huge mansion on the property, Joseph built a 4-story home to block his view. The odd building definitely stands out and it’s worth seeing with your own eyes. Even though the house is only 10-feet wide, it still sold for almost $1,000,000 USD in 2017!

21. Browse for Books at Brattle Book Shop
Located a stone throw away from the Boston Common, this family-run used bookstore is home to over 250,000 items. Books, postcards, maps — and lots of other odds and ends call this place home. It’s one of the oldest bookstores in the country, having originally opened in 1825! In addition to your standard used books, the store is also home to all sorts of first editions and antique books. If you’re a book lover like me, you can’t miss this place.

9 West Street, +1 617-542-0210, Open Monday-Saturday from 9am-5:30pm.

22. Visit Forest Hills Cemetery
This serene Victorian cemetery sits on almost 300 acres of land and is the resting place of a few noteworthy individuals, such as the playwright Eugene O’Neill and the poet E.E Cummings. In 2006, as part of an exhibition, sculptures, including miniature buildings, were added to the cemetery.

95 Forest Hills Avenue, +1 617-524-0128, Gates open daily at 7am with closing hours varying by season (check the sign upon entry to see when the cemetery closes).

23. Stroll Along the Charles River
The Charles River Esplanade is a 17-mile stretch of along the banks of Boston’s Charles River. It’s a great place to go for a walk or a run, enjoy the view from a cafe, or even head out onto the water to canoe or kayak. On a sunny day, you’ll find tons of locals here.

If you’re traveling with kids, there’s a fun playground just west of the end of Storrow Drive that has a splash pad as well as playground equipment for both older and younger children.

24. Hit the Beach
If you’re visiting during the warm summer months, hit the beach to cool down. Winthrop and Revere Beach is located just under an hour from downtown (via public transportation) and is open all year round (lifeguards are on duty from June-September). Both are two of the most popular beaches in the area during the summer. Revere Beach is over 3-miles long and the easiest to get too. There are also tons of amazing beachfront places to eat here too. Go eat at the original Kelly’s. It’s a Boston institution.

Revere beach has more stores, restaurants, and is a lot bigger. Winthrop beach is a lot quieter.

25. Go Ice Skating
If you’re visiting Boston in the winter, there are tons of places around the city to go ice skating. There is a free rink at Harvard that is open to the public. You’ll still need to rent skates (which costs $5) but the skating itself is free. It’s a great way to enjoy Boston’s chilly winter months.

26. Tour the Custom House
Built in the 17th century, this is one of the most recognizable buildings in the city. It was built right up against the water on reclaimed land and when the customs office moved a tower was added to the original foundation. Built in 1915, the tower addition made the Custom House the tallest building in the city. It’s owned by Marriott Hotels now, though you can still take a free tour (by appointment) to go up to the observation deck on the 26th floor.

3 McKinley Square, +1 617-310-6300, Tours available from Sunday-Friday between 10am-4pm. Tours are free though they are by appointment only.

27. Walk the Irish Heritage Trail
Americans of Irish descent form the largest single ethnic group in Boston (over 20% of the people in Massachusetts claim they have Irish ancestry). This historic free walking trail will take you around the city focusing on contributions made by the city’s thriving Irish community. There are 16 sites along this 3-mile walk which you can visit consecutively or in tandem with one of the city’s other historic walks.

For a map and details about the trail, visit


Whether you’re here for the history, the food, the sports, or something else, Boston has a lot of things to do for free that will fill your entire visit and help you save a ton of money in Boston.

Book Your Trip to Boston: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite place to stay is:

  • HI Boston – This hostel is in a great location, has its own coffee bar with lots of space to hang out, and also has female-only dorms. It’s really secure and the staff are great too. It’s the best hostel in town!

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Boston?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Boston with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post 27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Why I Still Stay in Hostels When I Travel

Tallin Hostel, Tallin
Posted: 1/31/2019 | January 31st, 2019

People are always shocked when they find out I that I still stay in hostels.

“Aren’t you too old for that?”

“Why would you still want to do that?”

“Don’t you actually make money? Are you still too broke for an Airbnb?”

“How do you even sleep?”

And what’s even more shocking to people is that while I often stay in a hostel private room, I also still stay in dorms!

(If anyone has followed on Twitter while I’ve been in Colombia, you’ll know my dorm room pains!)

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I still stay in hostels?

Three reasons.

The first: I’m cheap. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I started out — and stayed — a budget traveler because I just don’t like to spend money.

Especially on rooms I’ll just be in for a few hours.

I look at prices for hotels and private rooms and think, “Well, a dorm is only $10, so why not?!”

True, I often regret that decision, since I also don’t sleep well, but money is money — and hostels are cheap!

The second is that they provide me with on-the-ground information about what budget travelers and backpackers are doing. (First came the backpackers, then everyone else, I like to say.) Backpackers and hostel staff know where to find things to do on a budget. They have lots of hacks and are a good source of information and resources I might not know about. I can learn about new apps, get hot tips, and discover places or events to check out.

They know the best markets, cheap places to eat, and off-beat destinations.

Hostels are where I get the information I can use to unlock the mystery of how to see a destination on a budget.

Hostels are my source of travel trends.

In fact, I think hostels, their staff, and the backpacker crowd are an underutilized resource – regardless of your age or travel style. You don’t get travelers swapping tips at a hotel bar the way you do a hostel bar. So, if you’re looking for information — a hot new attraction, a cool local tour, new restaurants, a great dive bar, tips on getting around cheaper — go to a hostel bar. Most hostels have bars open to the public until a certain hour. Meet some backpackers. Make some friends. Learn something new!

Additionally, even if you aren’t staying at a hostel, you can go in and ask the staff questions. They field more inquiries about “unique, weird, and local” things to do than your Airbnb host or a hotel concierge.

And, finally, and most important, reason: I like the social vibe.

I think hotels are boring, and I don’t want to stay in an Airbnb by myself. Hostels are full of friendly travelers. I can swap tips, have a few conversations, get some travel buddies, and generally socialize! (Yes, you can do that with locals too, but you know what I mean.)

Hostels are just fun. I miss them when I’m not staying at them.

There’s usually a bar, events going on, activities, people hanging out, a pool table – there are lots of ways to connect with other travelers in a hostel.

The common areas are meant for people to interact. Even if I’m not looking for a rager, it’s still nice to head down, grab a beer, and chat with people for a bit.

How could I ever leave that? It’s way better than watching Netflix!

While I may not be the most “budget” traveler these days as I don’t often cook when I travel (if I’m not in an expensive country like Switzerland), I destroy my $50-per-day budget on nice food when I travel, and I would rather take the quickest — not the cheapest — transportation, I still am cheap as hell (see reason number #1 above), and I like writing about budget travel.

I don’t ever see myself not staying in hostels for at least part of my travels.

They are home.

You should make them your home too.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewher eother than a hotel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

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The post Why I Still Stay in Hostels When I Travel appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.